New Year’s Eve

Our celebrations started early. We snuck out of the condo to go eat breakfast – leaving the girls snuggly in their beds.

The three of us enjoyed our morning at Another Broken Egg.

Of course we didn’t totally leave out the girls. We brought home some hot biscuit beignets. Yum.

Later that afternoon it was time to build some bridges. Chayton and Kaija first started with an index only platform bridge. They then moved onto straws and toothpicks; and finally a bridge made with toothpicks and marshmallows.

It was fun to watch their minds work as they figured out the best way to make their bridges span the gap. Nazeriah was taking a nap, so she missed out on the fun.

After all that handwork, it was time to start our dinner celebrations – Appetizers! We had pigs in a blanket, mini pizza bites, breaded mozzarella, mini hamburgers and of course chips and dip.

Our sunset view from the balcony:

Courtney gave the kids a choice after dinner. Either go to Pier Park and watch the Beach Ball Drop or go out for ice cream. They all chose ice cream!

On to the Pink Pelican for some cold yumminess.

Sparklers on the beach!

Courtney looks like he’s creating something wonderful.

 After all that fun, it was time to head inside to watch the countdown.

Happy New Year!