Planting Trees … In November!

Well, we finally did it! It’s taken a full year, but Courtney and I (with a little help) have planted trees.

Eight of them to be exact – 5 fruit trees and 3 flowering trees. Whoo-hoo!

It’s been a labor of love. Courtney and I first started and the ground was so hard. We thought renting an auger from Home Depot would solve the problem. Well … that didn’t work.

So, we waited until it rained. Bingo! We could dig holes. Unfortunately, two decided to fill up with water … so we had to wait a couple of days to finish up those. 🙂

Here’s one of them.

Can you see all the others? (Trick question … ones out back …) Plus I’ve learned that ones the leaves fall off of very young and skinny trees – it’s a little hard to see them.

But the best one was saved for last … thank you, Sabine, for helping to dig the hole!