Happy 13th, Kaija!

My baby is 13! Can you believe it? Nope, neither can I. We had a great time celebrating with her.
First up, was the traditional Breakfast with Daddy. Which was followed by her lunch of homemade mac ‘n cheese. Yum.
Her birthday choice of activities – bake cookies. We actually didn’t get to the baking part, but we got the sugar cookie dough ready for another day of fun.
After clean-up and a little bit of reading, it was time for the full family celebration! 
And what did Kaija pick for her birthday dinner? Fondu, of course.

Part of her decorations included the ladybug balloons and candles that we used at her 1st Birthday.

Everyone gave her a card/present – including the cats! Which we found out the cats really only think about themselves, as they gave her toys that only the cats could play with. 🙂

Happy Birthday, Kaija

Love you!