Camp VurAllen … Day 5

Percy Jackson Style
Off to Mt. Olympus via the PATH.

We made it all the way into the city before we had to stop. A little something bubbly for some of the GA travelers tummies. Funny how your body gets un-used to this type of traveling. (Plus we were in a hotter car, standing and facing backwards.) Here we are feeling all refreshed and sitting in a nice air conditioned car on the Subway.)

 Next stop? Lunch of course. We found a spot in Central Park at the Columbus Circle entrance. I don’t have any photos, because soon it was a bathroom break. So Selda and I headed out to … FAO Schwartz! As you can imagine, the bathroom break turned into a mini adventure – all the campers came to meet us there.

Of course, we had to stop at the Minions … and the tigers (for Chayton).

 Magic time!

Then we had to play the big piano. It’s changed over the years (used to really look like the piano in the movie Big. But it’s still fun!)

Lego time!

 Couldn’t pass up a photo op with the Yellow Submarine.

We finally hearded them out. The plan today was to get to the Met and do the Percy Jackson program. Oh well. Another visit. When the toy store calls, you have to obey.

 Greely Square Park

Our little campers were getting a bit low energy. So a stop at Broadway Bites at Greely Square Park was just the thing. Organic beef hot dogs for everyone!

Then what we have been waiting for all week – heading up to Mt. Olympus (aka, the 600th floor of the Empire State Building. Wait, you don’t think there is one? Non-beliver!)

You need to have your very own golden drachma if you are going to Mt. Olympus. Never know when you might need to send an Iris message.

 In the elevator … we were a little bummed. We had other mortals in the car with us. So we had to get out at the normal elevator stop.

But, we did get to meet King Kong.

 Great views all around.

Of course, before you get to Mt. Olympus, you need to receive your laurels for completing your quest.

And then … your very own key to Olympus!

Break time.

Even a trip to Mt. Olympus must come to an end. Time to head home.

Master subway/train riders.


Silly Thing of the Day
Okan: Courtney
Selda: Me
Chayton: Getting sick on the train
Ilayda: Kaija sleep talking
Kaija: Okan sleep talking
Nazeriah: King Kong (tried to get Ilayda)