Easter Sunday … April 20

It was a wonderful Easter Sunday last week. Blue skies, yummy treats, the Easter Bunny and Big Grandma!

It doesn’t start as early as it used to … but the children still woke us up. On their quest to find the eggs, look what they stumbled upon. Baskets filled with goodies.

Love Dr. Suess!

Run, Quick. Find the eggs before Daddy!

Even Cari celebrated.

After all that candy and fun, lunch came too soon. Picnic out in the yard with Chicken Pies.
After lunch snooze.

 Then it was time to pick up Grandma and bring her out to the house. She was actually waiting and ready to go with us!

First up, some marble acrobatics on the patio.

Next up … dinner!
And exercise.

Then finally … time to actually dye our eggs.