Our Days … 17 March & 18 March

Our leprechaun found us!

After traveling all the way to Australia last year, he made it back to the states just in time. He left little treats for the kids – a few chocolate coins, a cool new “luggage” tag for use with school bags as well as lots of confetti rainbows and pots ‘o gold.

Here’s what happened last year in Australia: St. Patrick’s Day – Australia
And here’s the History of the Leprechaun

Can you believe it – a year ago we were in Australia. While the green eggs and ham were just as delicious yesterday, the chocolates were better last year. The weather was pretty nice too. And we were going to get to hold a koala bear. And go snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. Boy, was that all fun! Want to read more? Here you go: Australia

Today was Report Card Day! In our house – it’s a cause for celebration. (Warning – bragging moment.) The girls accomplished straight A’s and Chayton had one A and on B (the only two subjects that are graded). How great is this? Not only are they enjoying school, but they are holding their own. So much for all my worries about jumping back into the school system and being behind. Whew.

Of course, that meant we had a celebratory dinner. Where did the kids want to eat? Olive Garden. Carbs, carbs and more carbs – ooh and bread! We all enjoyed it and took a trip down memory lane as Chayton and Kaija completed the kid’s menu actives on Venice and Rome.

Courtney spoiled me even more today. We met for lunch at this cool, funky cafe called Jamwich and then he treated me to a massage. Boy am I feeling full and relaxed.