Our Day … 29 January

It was a great snow day!

First, it was free time and breakfast. 
Then it was on to homework and extra school work. Chayton worked on his spelling, math and reading homework. The girls worked on math with Kahn Academy. Then it was Free Time!

Off for snow play out back in the pasture.

Followed by hot chocolate and lunch.

A game of Clue won by Nazeriah, more reading and a movie. Kaija and Chayton went back out for some more sledding – this time down the driveway. 

Then it was already time for dinner! Homemade Wonton Soup and salad with German salad dressing. Definitely a party pleaser!

Plus some fun walrus looks with our chopsticks. 

Tomorrow is another snow day. Wonder if the street will be cleared enough that we can actually leave the house.