Christmas in Las Vegas

We just returned from our adventure Out West. The children had such a great time getting to know their cousins and Chayton loved having playmates his age!

Kyra – 16
Kaija – 12
Nazeriah – 11
Bryce – 8
Chayton- 7
Garrett – 6
Nana, Papa, Uncle Geoffrey and Aunt Stacey were a nice addition, too.
Besides hanging out and spending time together, we managed to squeeze in a few activities.
Ice skating!
The Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay
Friday Night Pizza

Cookie Making

Lots of Play Time and Movie Time

Chayton Lost Another Tooth – on Christmas Day

Red Rock Canyon

Plus … a ride on the Polar Express!

(lots of potty breaks … I might get in trouble for this one.)

And Christmas (with our traditional New Year’s Day dinner, since we’d be back in GA for that).

Thank you for sharing a wonderful and transformational year with us on our Adventure. It was Christmas 2013 that we “broke” the news to our children.

Sadly, this part of our journey will come to a close with the start of 2014. 
But, of course, The Real Adventure goes on.
Happy New Year!