Rüdesheim and Bike Tour (24 June & 25 June)

Today we drove the car onto the ferry and crossed the Rhine River to the town of Rüdesheim, home of the Rüdesheimer Caffe (sugar and Asbach lit on fire until the sugar melts, then add the coffee and whipped cream on top – yum!). Which we didn’t drink until we were back at home in our Cafe Steihl (below our apartment).

First up was a visit to the current Abbey of St. Hildegarde of Bingen – which was built in the beginning if the twentieth century. The original two having been destroyed through time. Unfortunately you can’t see to much of it, but the view was great!

Then it was up the cable car to the top of the mountain to the statue of “Germania” and a small amount of hiking.

The next day we rented a bikes and took a 15 mile bike ride. We were a little pooped by the time we got home.

We made it to the Lorely, the rock that the beautiful maiden sat upon to sing the sailors on the Rhine to their death. Then we took a ferry to cross the river – everyone was excited to ride our bikes onto the boat.