Over the Border – Austria

We made it to Lechaschau tonight! After another all day journey that supposedly takes someone somewhere only half the day. Oh well. 

The children were amazing. And that is even after we turned in our nice, big, comfortable car in Trier and picked up a much smaller Audi. You should have seen how packed it was! 
This time we have kept quite a few bathroom supplies (are learning to never take for granted that there is toilet paper at our next apartment) and stocking up on a couple of kitchen staples (sugar, yes – SUGAR!). We only have five pieces of luggage, but add to that five backpacks and our bags of groceries … well, lets just say that no one had any leg room. It’s amazing how much you can cram beneath your feet (and in the wheel well … but shouldn’t there have been a spare tire there???).
We are also learning that no matter if he eats a breakfast or not, getting Chayton in the car even with a Dramamine soon after he wakes up is not a good recipe. This time there wasn’t any time to find a Rastplatz, as it was pulling off the road while he half stood in the car and tried to aim every thing out and away from the car. Once he got it all out he was quite chipper the rest of the way, thank goodness.

This is what it is supposed to look like here. But it is so rainy, foggy and cloudy that we couldn’t see much of anything. Tonight it is going to be 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Courtney has been asking me if I meant that we would be chasing the sun, but never catching it. 

Except for a warm day or two in France and Germany, we haven’t had much sun since the North Island of New Zealand. As our wonderful host Gerda (who gave me a nice big hug when she saw me – I was going to give her extra points for just remembering my name without my prompting) told me that summer is going to come tomorrow, or so says the weather channel. We both laughed as we looked out the window when she said that.
That’s it for now, it’s after 10:00pm and we are all tired. It is just nice to have WiFi for everyone at the same time AND in our apartment. We are all playing or doing something online. But I hear my bed calling to me …

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