Roscanvel & Brest (3 June)

Today we took a drive up to one of the points on our peninsula. We passed through the town of Roscanvel to head over to the Pointe des Espagnols and the Fort in the Bay of Brest.

We climbed up, around and in the old military bunkers. It even seemed that the modern military was running an exercise as there were three soldiers with radio equipment at the topmost point. It’s a prime location as you can see all the way over to Brest as well as back down the peninsula. 
After examining all that we could of the bunkers we followed the coastal trail for a short hike. Once again, we made up our hike. Not quite following the trail that was laid out, but we still did find our way back to our car.
On the way home we meandered through Camaret-sur-Mer and found an even larger grocery store.  
All in all a lot of fun on this sunny and windy day.