Internet Refugees … Again.

We were all so excited today. Angela and Phillip (whom we are renting from in Chateaulin) returned from London today. Angela had promised that once they got back that she would “push the button and give us a really long number” so that we could log into the WiFi.

The past six days we have been glomming Internet from whatever free source that we could find in the tiny village of Chateaulin. This included the very small tourist center, the super market, and a nearby McDonalds.  Would you believe that the McDonalds doesn’t open until 10:30am?

It’s not that we want to play games, it’s a little more important than that. We don’t have a place to go to after this one yet. So finding housing is pretty important. Of course there is also the need for the children to do their schooling, too. Although I picked up a few good workbooks while we were in New Zealand, having them work on their Time4Learning lessons would be nice.

So, Angela gave us the code today and we did the happy dance. Immediately logging all of our devices into it. Then we discovered, it didn’t work in the house. Courtney and I went outside and tried in our little front patio area. One bar … Oh, now two! Oh. Now one again. 

We moved a little closer to where our car was parked … A little bit better. I moved closer to Angela’s house. It was even worse. So Courtney and I sat close to the wall by the road. Bingo! We’re up to two bars. Who-hoo! 

But it isn’t very consistent. So tomorrow we will be heading to the McDonalds again. 

All part of the adventure!