Lake Tekapo (18 Apr)

Have you ever had a spine tingling, soul warming feeling that you’ve been somewhere before? Not a small sense of déjà vu, but a strong sense of place?

I did while we were driving up to the Lake Tekapo area. It was something I felt just looking at the mountains – the certain way they sloped, the color, the sense of the place.

I had seen it before. In a dream.

Not too long ago a small group of close friends and I drove from West Orange to outside the Princeton area. We were all taking a chance at a group past life regression session. Something I’ve been interested in, but not able to do on my own. And somehow seemed silly to talk too most people about. But this group of friends – we talked about things like this in our Spiritual Book Group. And I felt safe with them.

And what happened, I can’t fully explain. But I do know this …

Not quite asleep, but not really awake I saw in my minds eye large, rounded, brown mountains framed against the darkening night sky.

Below them on the plateau close to a lake there is a big bonfire burning. The stars start popping out into the midnight blue sky – magnificently bright against the darkness. I am there by the fire, dancing. My shadow is reflected up the mountainside.

Suddenly, I leap up and am caught in mid flight by a large black hawk. We fly up into the starry sky. Slowly my arms have taken the shape of the hawks wings, my (actual) fingers feel the feathers and the wind rushing between my wingtips. Now I am the one flying up in the darkness with the stars.

Even after all this time, my fingers still can feel the feathers. Was this a deep meditation? Diving down into past life experiences? A vision? A dream?

Whatever you call it, it has stayed with me. And I felt it again in the earth.