Under the Weather, Down Under

I’ve been down-and-out pretty much since we left Sydney and arrived in Cairns (pronounced CANS). It hasn’t been very fun for me and it means Courtney is left picking up the slack (what a spectacular guy!).

Luckily the house that we are staying at is amazing – pool, trampoline, scooters, movies and more. This helps keep the kids occupied for most of the day (almost).

However, we were able to plan out some activities in my head-cold induced stupor (I do hate feeling so out of it). At least, I helped in the idea/look-up on the iPad area and Courtney booked everything (did I tell you how wonderful he is?).

Because of that we were able to have an adventure today; after which I came home and promptly feel asleep for a couple of hours. I do hope that the next thing you read is about our Sydney, Blue Mountains, Cairns adventures and not me lamenting how sick I feel.

4 Replies to “Under the Weather, Down Under”

  1. So sorry to hear that you are ill.
    Everyone I know is living vicariously through your adventures at the moment.
    The Allen Family zest for life continues to bring a smile to our faces.
    My step-daughter used to take long trips and we sent her things from home that were not accessible out of the US – peanut butter was her favorite – I sent it everywhere – from Spain to Bhutan. You get the picture.
    I would be happy to send a bit of home that any of you might be missing.
    Carol McGough

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