School’s Open

Today is our official opening day of The Allen School. (Wonder if we’ll spark a new educational model?)

Of course you can argue that some of the more important aspects of learning was already taking place – big ones being confidence, leadership, and caring for the Earth.

But today began the more conventional of our unconventional school of learning. Here’s our schedule – I’ll keep you posted on if it actually works. We are also open to slight tweaks as new possibilities and mini-adventures pop up! And there is the possibility that Courtney and I have over-booked things (we never do that!).

~Get up at 7:00am
Morning Work – you can begin this when you wake up!
~Breakfast from 7:00-8:00am
~PE Activity-Mini Adventures 8:00-11:00am
~Lunch 11:00am-12:00pm
~School – 12:30-3:00pm
Literature – Time4learning
Math – Time4learning
Science – Time4learning
Social Studies – Time4learning
Learn to Read
~Free Reading 3:00-4:00
~Free Time 4:00-5:00pm
~Dinner – 5:00pm

Each day we will do a Special:
Spelling (then it will be a part of morning work Tuesday-Friday)
US History & Geography
World History & Geography
Science Friday!

Writing Time!

Mini-Adventure: How many different kinds of shells can you find?

Some of our finds:

Helping Daddy do the laundry.