Peeler, Sharpener and Sunscreen

I didn’t find two of those three items listed on any travel blogs prior to our trip.

Sunscreen, yes. We packed three bottles and have already had to spend mucho dollars on a another bottle at the supermacado. And bug spray. And anti-diarrhea medicine (which we haven’t had to use – thank goodness).

But we are flying through all the fresh, yummy carrots, cucumbers, pineapple, watermelons, green beans – and the avocados are to die for. Try shredding a fresh-out-of-the-ground veggie or cutting a fruit with only a really dull knife. Not too much fun.

The fun part is that we are able to walk to a corner market, take a 15 minute walk into town, or take a 25 minute walk to the air conditioned supermacado to get all the food items that we need. And the local farmers market that is way far away has some amazing bananas. Yup, no car! But those last two, we take a taxi back home with our bags of food.

However, with the non-stop swimming in our swimming pool highlighted by trips to the beach (only a 10 minute walk) we are eating and eating and eating. So it has been quite a few trips to the store!

So back to that vegetable peeler and the knife sharpener. I’m realizing that I can do without all my spices (save fresh garlic and onions that I get at the farmers market) and all the other kitchen gadgets that I had. But those two … they are necessities.

I think I know what I’ll be picking up at Target during the few days that we have in NJ between Costa Rica and Australia.

Think TSA will let me pack them in my luggage?

One Reply to “Peeler, Sharpener and Sunscreen”

  1. I bet if you started a wish list on Amazon you'd get what you're looking for! Glad all is well in your world. Hugs to all!

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