Ouch! That Hurt.

Boy, that one was a doosie.

We had one more inoculation left before we set off on our adventure – a typhoid shot. Of course it couldn’t be done with our regular family doctor – I had to find an infectious disease doctor. Sound ominous, doesn’t it. Thank goodness she wasn’t.

I have to say I lucked into finding a wonderful doctor! She was great – had printed out maps of the places we are going to, really looked into all the things that we would need to know, and was very nice about it all.

Which that included dealing with three nervous kids (one of them a protestor of the highest degree). But the doctor was patient, and Kaija only screamed when she said “I’m going to scream now.” We did have a few, “No thank yous,” “Wait, I need to tell you something,” and “NO, I DON’T WANT IT!” But not that bad, considering past episodes. The doctor got the shot into her in less than ten minutes.

Nazeriah sat stoically and made it without a whimper and Chayton only made a little bit of noise. All in all – not bad for the kids!

But can I say – that sucker HURT. And still does. So the next time you see me, please do not touch my arm.

(In case you are wondering, Kaija has decided that she doesn’t want to go to Africa now. Because she’d need another shot …)