Snow Day Catch-up

So last Friday we ended up having 6 inches of snow (which when school was canceled at 5am there wasn’t a single flake on the ground). The ladies and litttle man, along with mommy, had a great day off of the normal schedule!

We all slept in and lazed around after breakfast (ok – I worked); once the snow started around 10am, it came down fast. Before it got to bad outside we all went out to play in it (see photos below).

After that it was lunchtime with some hot chocolate, nap for Chayton and stuff for the girls to do – we baked cookies, played games and even were sewing hats for the dolls! Once Chayton woke up it was movie time and a little snow shoveling.

On Saturday, I actually made it up and out of the house with everyone to be at the Essex County Environmental Center by 9:30am. That’s with more snow shoveling! We were there to cheer on our friend Arianne as she picked up the prize for second place in the children’s category for creating a sustainable, environmentally friendly gingerbread house. How cool is that?

Home, lunch, nap and off to a family playdate with our friends down the street. The girls spent the afternoon playing with Marie-Alyse, while I got to talk to her mommy and Luc let Chayton play with his toys. We stayed so long, that I gave up on dinner and braved heading out to Panera with everyone. (Going to any restaurant with a 2-year-old isn’t easy, add to it 2 hungry girls and 1 hungry mommy and that doesn’t always make the perfect recipe.) But it turned out to be a great decision …

All in all it was a nice break in the routine – and I’m very proud of myself. I didn’t eat a single child … not even one little bite!

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