Happy Birthday Chayton

Chayton is now officially 2!

He started acting like it a few weeks ago. 🙂

It is hard to believe that this sweet, loving, energetic boy was as ever as tiny as little Baby Selda. But two years ago he was … And how he has grown since then.

Chayton has always been a do-it-yourself type of little man (I guess that comes with being the third child), but now it is so much more …

Taking of his jacket, putting on his crocs, telling you what he did at school, doing a funny trick to get you laughing, dancng like a maniac to Maddonna, and of course the warm, big, loveable hugs and kisses – with his check right next to yours and his little yummy arms tight around your neck.

It’s good to be the center of a two-year-olds universe!

Happy Birthday Chayton! I love you with all my heart.

**Sent via BlackJack**