Kindergarten Graduation – June 18, 2008

Can you believe it? Kindergarten Graduation was today. Wow. Where does the time go?

It was a wonderful day – starting out with the promotion ceremony at school followed by celebrations in each of the classrooms. After a few more pictures, we headed home to change and then on to Whole Foods for lunch. The girls picked to go eat at the new diner in Whole Foods – it was really yummy.

Next, into the car and off to New York City – Central Park. We ended up at Heckscher Playground, which is an amazing playground/water play area. Between the playground, water area and the nearby carousel, the girls had an amazing time – and got quite wet!

Once the girls figured out it was time to dry out, we got back into the car, picked up the baby and some Papa Jon’s pizza and headed home.

To quote Kaija (and Sponge Bob) “It was the best day ever!”

Below are a few pics – but see all the rest here:

One Reply to “Kindergarten Graduation – June 18, 2008”

  1. What great fotos! I love them. I can’t believe how big the girls are. And such fun, silly thingsyour kids do. What a great childhood.

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