Summer Fun

Today was another scorcher – at least 96 degrees and humid. The girls’ school doesn’t have air conditioning, yikes! So since I had off today they stayed home with me.

After taking Chayton to school we headed home for a surprise. I had gotten my duffel bag of"My Friend Mandy" dolls from the attic before we left and opened it up for the girls when we got home. I had saved these for a snow day or rainy day at home -but they were a treat for a super hot day.

The girls absolutly adore the dolls – Mandy, Jenny, Becky and Mikey. Not only do I have my dolls (and my brother’s Mikey – thank you, Uncle Geoffrey) but I have all the clothes that my dad had made one Christmas for me – it really is quite amazing all of this stuff. There are pajamas and robes, pantsuits with shirts and kerchiefs to match the cuffs on the jackets (that have belts that tie), overcoats with hats and matching muffs, raincoat with rain booties and a hat … I could go on forever, thank you Nana and Papa for keeping and passing on this wonderful gift. I spent hours as a child playing with these dolls and now my girls are going to have the same amount of enjoyment.

We did take a break to go visit our friend Rebecca for her bithday party – tho two of the dolls did go with us. It was a great afternoon bbq with old friends and new. Auntie Alisa and the small Vural’s also attended, we were quite thrilled to see them.

School has been caceled for tomorrow – another day of surprises await us!

Melissa M. Allen
[Sent from my BlackJack]

One Reply to “Summer Fun”

  1. wow, the dolls sound great and the clothes sound WONDERFUL! I can’t wait to come play (and Ilayda and Okan too!)
    Auntie Alisa

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