What a Weekend!

Saturday, after a trip to Lowes to try to pick out a new front door (we have already picked the new front porch door, flooring, door hardware, lights, and doorbell – wow, we will actually have a doorbell that works soon!), we took it easy at Club Allen and chilled by the pool. I even got in a nap when Chayton went down in the afternoon.

At 9am this morning Courtney and I decided to take the kids to Ringwood State Park to do some swimming, hiking, and kick ball playing. Would you believe it only took us 2 hours to go from that thought, get all our stuff and food together, and get the crazies on the road. We have not been that spontaneous lately – it takes a force of nature to get our troops all moving in the same direction AND with the same purpose.

It was such great day. We had lunch and went swimming a Shepard’s Lake. Then headed over to Ringwood Manor and the botanical gardens for a rousing game of kick ball.

Gotta love life!

One Reply to “What a Weekend!”

  1. My friends, I don’t know why you think you aren’t spontaneous! I look at every day like this: I spontaneously decide to get up and do it all again. And yes, it takes me 2 hours to get everyone up and going, too. i am impressed that you actually went to the wilderness. i am a little afraid to go there – for fear I won’t come back!

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