Look Back at March

A little of what March looked like …

Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day – our annual trip to Chayton’s classroom and reading “The Lorax.”

The weather has definitely sprung into spring … Chayton has taken to reading and doing his homework outside.

And it was time for a field trip to the Tellus Museum. A day filled with yummy third graders! Chayton worked on a science experiment, panned for gemstones and as an extra treat pretended to be an astronaut and searched for dinosaur bones. The field trip was only for half the day and just the geology section of the museum – but we could stay after for as long as we wanted. Chayton and I took our time wandering around.

 Nazeriah ended up taking a visit to the Orthopedist for her knee. Nothing that is broken – but definitely needs to work on strengthening her muscles. We have a couple of physical therapy sessions and lots of stretches to do at home.

 Blue has been with us for five months now. She has settled down and settled in. Blue is definitely “my” dog, as she follows me everywhere. We made it through Dog Obedience class – have a certificate and everything.

 Chayton’s Cub Scout Pack took part in the District’s Derby. So proud of all the boys for how hard they worked on their cars.

 Random Chayton-Mommy photo.

 Chayton’s traveling soccer has started back up again. He still is playing keeper and loving it. But makes a great defensive player, as well.

 St. Patrick’s Day – the leprechaun found us. (For more about that, read here: Leprechaun.)

Nazeriah’s middle school soccer team made it to the Finals! They took home the second place trophy after not losing a game the whole season. This is the first time that her school has made it this far!

And that’s a snapshot of March!