
We’ve had a few exciting days lately. It seems that there is a bunch of stuff that we need to get out of our bodies and let go of before the new year.

We’re getting through a few sicknesses: Chayton with croup & a stomach virus, Kaija almost a sinus infection & an allergic reaction to something on her hand, Nazeriah is finally over her upper respiratory infection. I took a fall while trying to catch the amazing escape artist Blue and really banged up my knee. Courtney is healthy, he just needs a little bit of time to let his body rest and recharge. But these are all a part of normal life and we can manage.

The big challenge right now – our whole bottom floor of the house was flooded. Oh boy. We needed to clean a few things out, but this is a bit drastic. It seems the Universe felt that the house could use a complete flush.

It’s been raining a TON around here. We have a small river running the fence that separates the house area with the pasture area – luckily there is a hill/levee that also runs along that fence and it’s kept the water on the proper side of the hill. There is a brand new spring that has sprung in our front yard. Walking around has been more like sloshing around!

Here’s a video and pictures of our river:

Eventually, the ground couldn’t hold the water anymore and it started seeping into the house. (The half of the bottom floor is built into a hill.) It didn’t take long. The girls went to bed around 10pm and the floor was nice and dry. Kaija got out of bed about 30 minutes later and her carpet was squooshy. She went to get Courtney and I, and by then there was water everywhere.

In less than an hour we had about 2.5″ covering the floor in the furnace room, the laundry room, the workshop/storage, the girls bedroom & bathroom, hallway and Courtney/my office – slash – den – slash – craft room – slash homework room. Yikes!

After a couple of days drying it out (BIG fans) we are now in the process of moving it all out. Some to trash, some to donation and some to storage. This water cleanse moved up our need to redo all the floors down there. Once the floors are done, we can move back in to the downstairs. I know it’s all good – and the Universe is making sure that we get it all done – but it does feel like a lot right now.

Take a look at how some parts of the river in our town look. Lots of water everywhere.

UPDATE: It’s not raining today! We have some movers here to move the big items into the Uhaul truck and take away. Hopefully we’ll get that done by tomorrow. One more day of rain tomorrow to get through. Wish us luck!