A boy, a girl and a dog

It’s turning fall down here. ‘Tho it’s definitely a milder fall then what we are used to (I’m wearing a tank top as I type this), the leaves are still changing and falling. How did it get to be November already?

Take a look at Chayton the soccer star. The fall season is almost over and he’ll get a break from soccer until the spring season starts up. But, boy is he enjoying it. Still playing keeper and loving it. Especially the special Keeper Practices on Thursdays.

He’s also busy trying to keep up with the leaves that are falling … he missed a few spots.

 Kaija’s enjoyed the leaves as well – playing with Blue outside (photography courtesy of Chayton).

Nazeriah’s doing well, too. She’s just being a teenager and trying to spend the time indoors on some sort of digital device … of course that doesn’t always go as planned. 🙂

Happy Autumn!