The County Fair!

It’s that time of year – time for the fair. 

The girls met up with a friend, that meant that Chayton and I could do whatever we wanted. 🙂

I did that! With Chayton. 

One ride together. Nazeriah didn’t want to sit with us. 

House of mirrors. 

I did this, too. 

Plus Chayton tried his luck at knocking down the cans – to win a tiger of course. He didn’t do too bad – won a smaller elephant animal. 
An icee, a balloon popping game and some more rides rounded out the night. There was one that was like hang gliding. Well, hang gliding really, really fast and in a circle … I did enjoy that one. 
And we stopped by to see the animals. I want a pig now. 🙂
Now we are all tired and in bed. Tomorrow will come fast.