The ending to a great week!

What a great week filled with the normal craziness, but also fun and surprises.

On Monday, Courtney headed off to Orlando (poor him). Tuesday, Chayton stayed home since he had a mild temp and wasn’t feeling good. Wednesday everyone stayed home for a SNOW DAY … that didn’t have any snow. But, come Wednesday late afternoon – we had snow! Luckily Granma and Granpa arrived before the snow did.

The official measuring of the snow: 3.5″ by 7pm on Wednesday night.

By Thursday morning we had a total of 6.5″.  Someone couldn’t wait to go out and play.

Off to go sledding! Chayton’s friend and his mother came over for some sledding fun.

Kaija didn’t want her picture taken …

Chayton’s friend

Almost got a photo!

Playing around

Courtney came home Thursday night and surprised me with a night in Atlanta. So Friday afternoon we headed off and left the kids with Granma and Granpa.

What was the first thing we did? Get coffee and stop at Ikea.

We had a wonderful time – just the two of us. We didn’t head out for dinner until after 7pm to Eclipse di Luna for tappas and drinks. We didn’t leave the restaurant until 11pm – look at us being so wild. Saturday was a late brunch (okay lunch) at Radial before we drove back home. It was such a special treat to have some alone time.

Sunday all five of us drove back into Atlanta to spend the afternoon with our friends Eric, Anna and Sasha. We met up for lunch at Krog Street Market and then strolled around the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. It was beautiful in a winter sort of way – I can’t wait to go back to the Gardens when the flowers are in bloom.

The main exhibit was all about orchids.

Look at this – he’s made all out of plant material. Too cute!

Here’s the try at a goodbye photo. My girls blowing kisses and Sasha being a princess. Chayton, well, he’s just surrounded by girls.