Last Week Before School

Can you believe that we are on our third day of school down here in Georgia?

But it is true.

To hold onto summer vacation just a little longer, here is what we were up to last week-ish:

Eating yummy fresh food from Farmer Mitch and Rise ‘N Shine Organic Farm! Our fresh tomatoes from Farmer Mitch went great with mozzarella and basil (from OUR garden!). Add to that yummy Turkish Red Lentil Soup, Farmer Mitch’s melons (and, yes, there is some leftover pizza, too).

Check out Nazeriah’s hair. I made her let me do a hairstyle that day …

I planted gladiolas in the side garden (in memory of my Omi). And I was finally home to enjoy … the very last one. Next year, maybe I’ll be able to time our trips to better be able to appreciate the flowers at home!

Now this we did this ALOT this summer. Pretty soon I think they are going to think we have a new residence at the library! Love it and their Summer Reading Program. And yes, Chayton still loves to relax with some ear-reading of an audio book or two, but he is moving more and more to eye-reading in his head. And is he ambitious. He’s working on a Percy Jackson book – a page or two at a time.

The cows were around sporadically this summer. Here you can see the latest grouping of the babies. There’s usually about 10-12 calves and around 20-30 teenagers/grown up cows.

Then of course, there is Big Grandma! We love being able to visit her and have her out at the house.

Yes, we did do it. We bought a mini van. And can you believe we have already hit the 5,000 mark?

All last year Chayton had been asking me to teach him how to sew. Of course, it was always when he needed to go to bed, or I was making dinner, or it was time to go somewhere. But, while we were in New Jersey, he hit Auntie Alisa at just the right time – she created a sewing fiend! It started with small stuff at her house and has ended in a full-sized pillow.

Kaija also got the sewing bug back and made two pillows (for her new room … that’s coming in the future, hopefully …)

After Camp VurAllen and Camp Kern, we still had a little bit of summer left at home. Here’s Chayton playing Skeleton at Tennis Camp. (He’s the one on his knees in the way back.) And Kaija playing with her new friend Chandler. (Nazeriah had a free week at home. And she doesn’t like me taking any pictures of her.)

 Yup, school haircut time … he told the hairdresser exactly how he wanted his hair cut. Pretty cute!

Chayton and I started working on the downstairs bedroom to make way for the sisters. It’s been one of the catch-all rooms as we’ve cleared out the top floor. But soon, it will be a bedroom!

Chayton is quite the handy man … we had to disassemble a previous kitchen table in order for it to fit through the doorway. Now it is our homework/craft table in the study along with bookshelf (from the catch-all room – is it really the Room of Requirements?).

To top it off, we had a Harry Potter Marathon the whole week. Each day we watched one of the Harry Potter movies. It was great fun to see them back to back like that.

Now after a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, were are trying to get back into the school rhythm. Chayton has already started having homework and the girls have their first quiz on Friday.

And so it starts!