4th of July 2014

Today it was our traditional Red, White & Blue Breakfast. We’ve been doing this for the past ten years (give or take a year or two).
Alisa whipped up some great gluten-free pancakes, fresh whipped cream, plus strawberries and blueberries. Yum!

After breakfast we all went off to do our own things until our 4th of July Party was to start. Courtney caught the younger kids goofing around …

Aunt Nancy, Uncle Doug, Cheryl and Brian showed up at two – and then we were 17! Lots of yummy food and great conversation (but I forgot to take any pictures).
In no time at all, it was fireworks! This was the first time that we saw the fireworks at the Livinston Oval. It was quite a show!
Now it’s time for a good night’s rest as we head back down to Georgia in the morning. The Allen Tour of New Jersey is almost over.