Lake Mahinapua Reserve (13 Apr-14 Apr)

What a wonderful place to spend the night.

As soon as we had set-up the campervan we all headed out to investigate our surroundings. We found a beautiful lake and the kids found a wonderful field to play “Narnia/ Power Rangers” in. Admist cries of “For Narnia!” Courtney and I sat on a large rock overlooking the lake planning our next steps (heading to Fox Glacier).

The campground itself is fully on the honor system: you pay and park yourself. There are no numbers or lines or bushes designating each camping area. I wonder what it looks like on a busy summer night? The fee, you pick up a plastic envelope and tag, place your money in your envelope and drop it into the payment box.

The next morning we woke and went down to the lakeside. Chayton is so enthralled with his Star Wars book – it was the first thing he said when he woke up today “Can you read to me?” We took his book and went down to sit on the dock to read. I was able to sit/meditate at the end of the dock in the sunlight listening to Courtney read to Chayton behind me. At one point, Chayton came up and sat with me – back to back.

It was so magical and relaxing.