Priceless Item

Yesterday (13 Apr) we found a great little used book store (and other things) in Hokitika.

The kids made out – each walked away with three books. Chayton picked up two books he could read to us and one book for us to read to him: Star Wars Episode 1.

He is so stoked. Only bugged us to read to him a thousand time yesterday and today. He’s working toward a goal – once he reads the book he can watch the movie. House rules.

At one point yesterday we parked the campervan to go take a short walk. As we were picking things up and putting them away I told Chayton to just leave his book out on the table (which is by a window).

He got a worried expression on his face and said “But Mama, someone could see in the window and see my book and break in to steal it.” Of course I promptly hid the book.

The price of a treasure truly is in the value that the owner gives it. I’m glad that a book holds so much value to my little man.