Our Cari – Looking for a Forever Home

A few of you know that we have been fostering an amazing cat by the name of Cari. We love her so much and she has made such an impact on our family.

But now it is time to find her a forever home.

With our impending adventure, we need to find her a permanent home. If you know of anyone who is looking for a new cat – she’s the one! Please forward this information over to them and have them contact the Montclair Animal Shelter.

Cari is a lovable, spayed, calico cat just a little over a year old. She is quite playful and loves to snuggle. She is also a great hide-and-seek player. She is good with children and has put up with a lot of attention, love, and picking up from our kids. But, she doesn’t like dogs.

Cari likes to see the world and will go out walking with a harness and leash – but don’t think of it as walking her, you go where she wants too! She is also a good traveler and enjoys hotels; having ridden from New Jersey to Georgia and back again – twice!

Cari came to the Montclair Animal Shelter when she was 3 months old – weighing only three pounds and pretty sick. The shelter staff nursed this little cutie back to health, but could not seem to get rid of her persistent cough. They hoped that a stay in a home environment would help her body heal even more.

After time spent out of the stress-filled atmosphere of a shelter she is as healthy as can be, but does have some lingering respiratory issues. This means she needs daily medications (that she gobbles down in her food). Plus her breathing is a little bit louder than most cats so you always know where she is at!

Help us find a forever home for her – let her into your heart and home today!

Contact the Montclair Animal Shelter

973-744-8600 | mtas77@verizon.net