A Big Christmas Surprise – The Beginning of Something New

It’s been a very busy and exciting time for us this month. To catch you all up … and to make the first official announcement out to the world … Courtney and I are stepping away from our jobs and the craziness that life in the modern world brings as working parents with three kids.

Whew. That’s a mouthful. It is so exciting, scary and amazing all at the same time. This opens up a whole new experience for us of home schooling and traveling with our children for the next year/ year and a half.

And we had kept this a complete surprise to our children. That is until Christmas morning.

Christmas morning it all broke loose. In a good way. Courtney and I planned a scavenger treasure hunt for the kids. Not only did they get to traipse all through the house – but also had to research questions on the Internet to answer certain clues to get to their final gift.

Here’s a short slideshow of what happened: http://show-vid.com/view/4c9ax28

What’s next, you might be asking? Here’s our itinerary as we know it right now:

Jan 24-Jan 31 – Georgia
Feb 1-2 – Back to NJ
Feb 3 – Fly out of Newark to Costa Rica
Mar 5 – Off to Australia
Apr 6-ish – Off to New Zealand
May-ish through July-ish – Stops in Europe
August – Turkey
September – Stateside traveling … then who knows!

I’m looking forward to this next step and hope you will share it with us. Be well and stay in touch!

2 Replies to “A Big Christmas Surprise – The Beginning of Something New”

  1. So excited for you and your adventure. We definitely plan on living vicariously through your blog over the coming year+. You are an amazing family!

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