Apple picking and Hair Spa Day

Yesterday the girls and I headed out to go apple picking. We had a lot of fun picking our King David, Jonagold, Gala and other apples. Nazeiah also had a great time running around – “Nazeriah, go run to that tree and come back.” “Nazeriah, go run and touch that sign and come back.” You get the picture! 🙂

After a picnic lunch of sandwiches, cheesy popcorn, veggies (and apples of course!) we headed off to our beauty appointments. I had a hair appointment and after two years of long hair succumbed to the inevitable and cut it short. And I’m loving it!

Kaija and Nazeriah both had their hair washed for the first time at the salon. Then Kaija sat and told Pam our hairdresser to cut her hair (which was past her shoulders) to her chin. Which when Pam looked at me to verify, I quickly hand motioned to a little below her chin! After a full summer and beginning of fall struggling to brush her hair and threatening to cut it all off – I couldn’t do it!

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