First Ever Soccer Game!

Go Girls!

Did our ladies do spectacular today! It was their first ever soccer game and both of them were amazing.

They both played the entire game (with a few rotations out – only seven can be on the field at one time). And get this – they really enjoyed it!

It was funny, as of Thursday morning neither girl wanted to play (again). But then we picked up their uniforms on Thursday night and they were all excited. Go figure – girls and clothes. Then the next day they got their new soccer balls (thank you Auntie Alisa & Co) and their cleats. They just about slept in everything last night. Of course Kaija had a touch of the nerves before the game, but Daddy talked her through them.

It was so great to see them out there having the time of their lives – and keeping up with the ball (pack mentality, still) as well as getting in a few good shots.

Go Girls!

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