Spring Break Day 6

We are on our way home – already over the Virginia border. We really had a great time at the beach. Courtney kept his black berry off and my black jack is still not working, so we both really disconnected for once.

The girls and Courtney got in a swim at the pool while Chayton and I packed up. Chayton seems to be doing better, I hope it keeps going in that direction. While we were upstairs Chayton got upset that he wasn't with Kaija – kept standing at the door crying her name. So he and I took a little walk. Stopped by the windows in the hallway so he could visit with the birds (he loves looking at birds) then five or ten more minutes standing looking at the vaccum cleaner; then we finally made it in the elevator where he had to stand by himself and hold the railing. We took a tour of the lobby, but for some reason Kaika wasn't there (of course I couldn't take him near the pool – he would have full-meltdown if he saw both his sisters and daddy swimming and I wouldn't let him go swim). So back in the elevator where we stood talking to the housekeepers (he is so friendly saying hi to everyone), then another ten minutes admiring the vacuum; we had just made it to the birds and guess who got off the elevator? Kaija! Boy was Chaytons exceited – jaija, jaija! Then we all raced to the room door and the world was okay again. 🙂

A quick lunch, some more packing and we said goodbye to the beach and pool.

Now we are on our way to our hotel for the night in Richmond. We had a fun stop at a rest area in NC where the kids were given their extra large bubble wands – these make 5-6 inch size bubbles, pretty cool! Even Chayton got in the act and got quite a few bubbles going. Then he spotted the doggies and we were off to make some new friends. There was even a man walking his cat!

More driving and we stopped for another fancy dinner at cracker barrel and our last taste ofsweet ice tea. Now we are just pulling up to Richmond and should be at our hotel in about ten minutes (that is if I stop blogging and give the directions)m hopefully we can get in a swim before bedtime!


Courtney Allen