Spring Break Day 5

Day 5 was a beautiful day at the beach – the wind was down and the temp was nice (still too cold for me to go in the water but not the girls and Courtney).

After breakfast we all went down to the beach. This time we took the kids' tent with the thought Chayton would take his nap there. You could barely keep Kaija out of the water, Nazeriah needed a little convincing. And Chayton finally started to walk around in the sand in his bare feet … Not for too long, thom soon he was back lying on top of me. And while the tent was a great idea, Chayton didn't want to take his nap there. So come nap time he and I went up to the room.

A little while later the girls and daddy left the beach for a quick dip in the pool and came up to eat. Then we all took naps – how relaxing. Soon it was more beach and more pool, then dinner.

Courtney picked up some pizza and we ate in the room while watching HSM2. The girls were in heaven! After the kids went to bed we rounded out the evening with a movie, too – National Treasure The Book of Secrets. Which we were joined by Chayton who developed a 103 degree temp and then Nazeriah who had a bad dream. Chayton surprised us – he didn't eat a whole lot during the day but we didn't expect this. Luckily the fever broke really fast and he fell back asleep – of course now with us. It has been a couple of weeks since he's been sick . . .


Courtney Allen