Spring Break Day 4

Today started out a little slower than the others. Chayton, Courtney and I woke up before the girls. (I guess the swimming finally wore them out.) It’s 9:30am and we are all still in our PJ and up in the hotela room – there hasn’t been a request for swimming yet. Chayton seems to have the most energy, busy, busy baby. There is supposed to be more rain today, maybe we’ll head indoors to the NC Aquarium. But I’m sure we’ll be at the beach soon.

It’s now 10:25pm [and I’m on the hotel computer finally getting all the updates up on the blog]. It did stay a pretty low key day – but it turned into a beautiful day outside. After breakfast and brunch, we moseyed outside to the beach. Where we even got Chayton to take off his shoes and stand in the sand – okay for a few minutes. It was quite an amusing sight … me laying on the beach with a little curly-headed boy laying on top of me, not wanting any part of his body to touch the sand. Yummy, but funny!

It was soon time for Chayton’s nap – and he was quite happy with leaving the beach for it. While he napped, I showered; Daddy and the girls played in the ocean a little bit longer, then tried out the outdoor pool and indoor pool before heading indoors for lunch.

After lunch, we hung out in the room a little everyone at least rested. Kaija wandered off to the bedroom to lie down she was so tired, Courtney followed, Nazeriah laid low, and I finally succumed to a nap, too.

While I was still sleeping Courtney stole away with all the kids for a nice long walk on the beach – Chayton in the Kelty backpack so his feet wouldn’t touch the sand!

Once I woke up we all went swimming in the indoor pool – I’m not much for getting really cold. But it was great – I had on googles to protect my eyes [I still need to keep the water out, and well, can’t rub them for the rest of my life] but it was pretty amazing to be able to see while I was swimming/playing underwater with the girls. Normally I’m usually blind as a bat or worried about my contacts floating away in the water.

After dinner it was showers and then we walked a few blocks to a fabulous Mexican place for dinner. All enjoyed and ate well! We had a fun walk down the boardwalk back to our hotel and then it was time to do Nazeriah’s hair. We all hung out watching TV while I did her hair … and Chayton’s too. He so wanted to have hair do-dads put in. And did he look cute! Then he proceeded to try to help me comb Nazeriah’s hair and hide all the other hair do-dads. Soon it was bed for Chayton, then after a few more home decorating shows, the girls were off too. And now it’s time for me!