We slept through the night! (and more)

Wow. Everyone slept through the night last night: Kaija, Nazeriah AND Chayton!! This is the first time that Chayton has slept all the way through (from 8pm-7:30am). What a gift.

Did I mention that Chayton is 1? Boy has time flown by, and it’s been awhile since the last posting … so much has happened.

Let’s see, Chayton turned 1, Kaija’s will turn 6 soon, both girls are doing great in school, Chayton has 6 teeth … what else have I missed … oh yeah, Halloween and our trip to Washington DC? I hope to post some more about everything else.

We took family pictures the beginning of October – here are a sampling:

(Photos by Elektra)

2 Replies to “We slept through the night! (and more)”

  1. Wow! They’re growing up so fast. Good thing you and Courtney haven’t aged a day. The whole family is beautiful and you look very happy. Miss y’all.


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