A Day In The Life

I just spent a great morning with Ilayda and Okan. Hakan had an appointment and Alisa is helping their friend Ozlem move.

Since all my chilren are at school and I have off for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot – I was the lucky person who got to play with the kids. What fun we had cooking in the sandbox together. Little Okan's hand is so yummy in mine and Ilayda is just so grown up.

I had to leave once Dobao came over – our house alarm had gone off. I didn't think that the people would come to work on the porch today, but off course they did!

Now i am off doing some errands and fitting in an eyebrow waxing and manicure …. Something i don't treat myself to too often. I'll soon go to pick up the girls from school – I love being there when they first get out of school!

Courtney is down in GA helping his Grandmother move into an assited living facility; so he is having an interesting week to say the least. I wish I cold be there with him – but it didn't make sense to bring all the children. As much love and diversion that they would bring, it would make things even harder.